Welcome to the home of my ramblings. A little of this, a little of that. Sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Family Outing

Yesterday we took the kids to Hanuama Bay to play. Chloe has been wanting to go before we even moved here from Texas. It was her teachers favorite place while they were stationed here. So after sitting in bumper to bumper traffic going no more than 10 miles an hour for almost an hour (due to an accident) we made it.  We paid for parking, stood in line for tickets and watched the video. While waiting for the video I was able to get some pretty nice shots of the bay from up on top. This is just one but I love the edits I was able to put together.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

    It's almost the new year and as always I have so many things I want to do.  Craft wise, photography, family, health and more. Is it every overwhelming to you as to where to start?  This year I will be starting with all the loot I got for Christmas.
     I have recently started sewing and crafting with  my embroidery machine. I have even branched out and started selling items I have made for a little extra money. My husband must have lots of faith in me because for Christmas, he stocked me up on different supplies and machines to make my work a little easier. 
 I have an order right now for a monogrammed purse and that is where I will be starting, after that though my ideas are limitless. I have so many ideas running through my head. For now though I am enjoying the last few days of everyone being home on leave and Christmas break. This time has gone by so fast.

Monday, December 26, 2011

This is it, I started a blog!

I officially have set up a corner of the web for my babbling, postings of crafts and whatever else my heart so desires. I cannot guarantee I will post every day or that the posts will be entertaining but that is ok. Let's see where this takes me and who I will meet along the way.