Welcome to the home of my ramblings. A little of this, a little of that. Sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Change is good right?

  As an Army wife I know that change is inevitable. Nothing ever stays the same and it's never carved in stone. It will happen when it happens and don't get upset when plans change. It isn't worth it and it will happen. Often.
  My husband is approaching retirement rather quickly and it's that time again. Time for a change. This change however is something new to both of us as all we have ever known is military life. What will civilian life hold for us? Will we enjoy it?
  Most don't understand these questions and those that do, well they are also military and more than likely it's all they have known as well. The past 20 years have been great. We have met wonderful people along the way some of which we still keep in touch with. We have lived in some great and not so great places and seen things some only wish they can see. We have lived coast to coast as well as Alaska and Hawaii (twice). My kids don't know what it is like to be born and raised in the same town and live in the same house until they graduate school. They know that most of their friends will move and while they try to keep in touch those habits will gradually fade away. There will be a small handful though that will make it through all of the moves and the years. These friends will turn out to be lifelong no matter how often or little they speak to one another. Military life is a hard but rewarding adventure. Our adventure is now coming to a close.  We will move back into our home, our lives will go on but they will be "different."  We won't move every few years, my kids will go to the same schools (which I am sure they won't mind) and only say good bye to friends that are still part of an active duty military family.
   While change is good (or so they say), I know I will have to say good bye to my life here on the island as well as amazing friends I have made during my time here. Moving is never easy no mater how much you want to get back "home".  Time is running out and I am getting more anxious about it all. Change is good though right?

Dusting things off and starting over

  I am cleaning things up around here and will be posting more often. I will be posting things I make, photos I take and things I bake! Now just to figure out how to change my layout again :P